Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 9, May 29th.  We headed up the Great Allegheny Passage today.  The day was beautiful, with a bright blue sky and warm and getting hotter.  The GAP trail is smooth although dusty from the fine gravel used.  We moved slowly up the 2-3% slope of the old Western Maryland RR.  With the full load, I was able to maintain about 8 MPH.  The first stretch to Frostburg, MD is the steepest.  Lunch in Frostburg was at Fatboy’s Pizza.  The railroad and shops near the station were all closed.  The next stretch to Meyersdale was easier but hot.  We went through 3 tunnels including the 3000 foot Big Savage to reach the top and the Eastern Continental Divide at 2400 feet.  The sky turned black and the forecast was for some nasty weather.  We pushed hard to reach Rockwood, PA and found a Hostel.  The Hostel is dry and comfortable and the main line of the CSX is 200 feet out the back.  I stopped counting the number of trains but at least 12 so far.  Mileage for the day was 45.96.   

1 comment:

  1. America has hostels!? Weird, I never knew. Keep up the good work! I check out the blog everyday.
