Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 73, Aug 1st, Extended break at Glacier National Park.  We headed out really early at 5:30am to drive into Canada and hike at Waterton National Park.  We were the first to cross the border at 7am (sadly Wilma also missed the trip).  We found a great breakfast place and then explored the town of Waterton Lakes, which has a variety of restaurants and shops.  We visited the Prince of Wales Hotel, also built by the Great Northern Railroad to draw tourists that would ride the train.  The hotel sits atop a hill overlooking the Waterton Lake and valley and has quite a view.  At 10, we met 2 Park Rangers, one from Canada Parks and one from the U.S. National Park Service.  We headed out on a 9 mile hike along Waterton Lake, called the Peace Park Hike.  Glacier National Park and Waterton National Park joined together as the first International Peace Park in 1932.  There were about 30 in the party and we stopped frequently to discuss “peace” in general and what joining the parks meant to eco-system management.  There are now over 170 “international peace parks” around the globe.  Unfortunately, Diane Stoakley had physical problem at lunch.  We think a piece of carrot stuck in her throat and she was having trouble swallowing even water.  The rangers called for assistance and took Diane back.  She was fine as soon as whatever was stuck dislodged.  During the afternoon portion of the hike, the rangers pointed out many plants and interesting aspects of the forest, using all the hikers as props.  Cindy (what a woman) made in all the way even across a swinging bridge.  We caught a boat ride the length of Waterton Lake to get back to town and linked up with Dave and Diane.  We didn’t arrive back to East Glacier until nearly 10pm.  I think everyone slept soundly.
Waterton Lake view

Cindy on the suspension bridge

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